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Save time by automating how you pay bills.

Easy bill capture helps you add your bills however you like. Anytime, anywhere, on any device.

Save time by automating how you pay bills.

Add bills how you like.

Upload bills in a snap.

Use your phone to take a photo of your bills and invoices. Or add the files (PDF or JPG). There’s no need to do any extra work. We’ll do it all for you.

Auto-add your invoices.

Ask your vendors to email invoices directly to your Melio email address ([email protected]). That way when you open Melio, all bills are already in your Bills tab, ready to be scheduled.


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Review & schedule payment.

Your bill is automatically read by our AI technology which will grab all of the relevant information you need to schedule the payment.

Automatically import invoices

Sync QuickBooks Online or Xero. You can also connect your Gmail account to import invoices. Automatically import all invoices to Melio to eliminate manual work, save time, and reduce errors.

Manually enter details

You can create bills and invoices in Melio yourself. Simply add all the details like vendor name, bill amount, and due date, and it’ll appear in your bills tab.